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Competition time! Design our next Kids Shaker Bottle!
Written by Cambrooke
0 minute read

Design Our Next Kids Water Bottle!
Due to the popularity of our last water bottle design competition, we have decided to run it again to celebrate International PKU Day on 28th June. The theme is ‘PKU & Proud’! What are you proud of? Who inspires you? What pictures and colours would you like to see on our next kids water bottle?
Our bottles are given away in kids sample kits, as gifts at events and in competition prizes throughout the year.
Here is the winning design from 2021…
All you have to do is fill in the below form and we will send you the design template direct to your email.
The best bit? For every design submitted to us, we will donate £10 to the NSPKU! See T&Cs for more information.
Good luck everyone!
Terms and conditions:
This competition is for PKU individuals residing in the UK and Ireland only. Any entries made from outside of the UK and Ireland or from non-PKU individuals, will not be considered.
This competition runs from 28th June 2023 – midnight on 18th July 2023. Any entries received after this time will not be counted.
The winning design will be announced on 19th July 2023.
Designs must be sent to to be considered.
Cambrooke will donate £10 to the NSPKU for every design shared with us, up to the value of £250. Multiple designs can be submitted per child, but only one donation per child.
All entrants will receive a bottle with the winning design printed on it, as a thank you for entering. Please allow 2-3 months for production and shipping.
All data provided to us for the purposes of the competition will be processed in accordance with GDPR.