Our Story

In the summer of 1992, David and Lynn Paolella received ‘the call’ that is etched in the mind of every PKU parent. Their second son, Cameron, was diagnosed with Phenylketonuria (PKU). A few years later, their daughter Brooke was also diagnosed with PKU.
Driven by the lack of choice available at the time, Lynn and David made it their mission to improve not only the lives of their own children, but that of thousands of children and adults living with PKU around the world.
Cambrooke was the first company to bring a GMP-based protein formula to PKU families with their Glytactin BetterMilk product. Since then, they have worked tirelessly to improve the quality and choice of products available for patients living with a range of metabolic disorders, intractable epilepsy and severe protein allergies.
Today, Lynne remains a passionate patient advocate for the company and still leads the team’s product development efforts. David sits on the board of directors.
We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge THANK YOU to our wonderful founders for dedicating their lives to improving the lives of so many and for motivating every member of the Cambrooke team to strive for excellence every day.
Read more about their story in our Blog:
Cambrooke Celebrates 20 Years with Lynn and David Paolella!
From Architect To PKU Expert: David Paolella Shares Cambrooke’s Evolution